Dec 13, 2023Liked by Steve Jacob

You are not insane

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Good column. The stellar careers of James Cameron, Michael Bay, and Joe Pytka argue against your contention that: "The consequence of not being nice is that once you hit a talent ceiling where they have to hire you, you never get hired because, well, if presented with working an 18 hour shoot day with someone who is nice vs. not nice, nice will always prevail," but the success of those three represent the proverbial exception that proves the equally proverbial rule. I don't imagine their armor is invincible, however. If any one of them were to take an unpopular stand on say, the current mess in Gaza, they'd doubtless reap the social media whirlwind and suffer in ways incalculable at the moment ... but each of those talented-but-ruthless motherfuckers seems smart enough to STFU about such issues.

All in all, being nice to everyone really is the smart way to be in Hollywood.

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I see your point for sure. I was more referring to the rank and file BTL and vendor community. But, you're right, if you produce lots of money lots of people are willing to overlook general douchyness. But, us great unwashed have to be nice or perish.

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Totally. As someone who did 40 years as one of the "great unwashed" working BTL (set lighting), I always made an effort to be nice - and tried to pass on the importance of a sunny disposition in this post from ten long years ago: https://hollywoodjuicer.blogspot.com/2013/06/be-nice.html

BTW - your substack is terrific, laden with smart been-there/done-that insights and excellent writing. Good stuff!

All the best to you and yours in the holiday season.

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Crazy business we chose. The rules change so quickly. However, your rule of kindness is one to absolutely live by. I've always appreciated yours.

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