Steve, I have been remiss in telling you how much I enjoy your missives and your writing style. Thank you

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Follow the money, ain’t it the truth? Thank you for sharing your insights, Steve❤️

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Agreed. This is an existential crisis for the Hollywood we've all known for the past fifty+ years, and the problem, of course -- as usual -- is politics. In an election year, what politician wants his or her name attached to a film industry subsidy bill that would "give hundreds of millions in taxpayer's money to the Hollywood elites" -- as the political opposition will scream -- at a time when social programs are being cut thanks to the budget deficit and the state's mandate to balance the budget on an annual basis? Next year, maybe, but I'm not optimistic about it happening anytime soon ... but if it doesn't happen soon, we'll then be back in the Procrustean Bed of yet another election year. The corporations and streamers who dominate Hollywood these days don't care about the city, the industry, or the workers who will continue to suffer -- they're happy to shoot elsewhere in the US and abroad.

Hope dies last, so I still hold out hope that your ideas here will gain traction ... but my well of optimism has just about run dry.

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Well said and so true.

Thank you


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