I'm facing a medical situation that's been giving me way too much anxiety and I thought I had banished anxiety from my life years ago. How foolish of me. But I think your "It's gonna be fine" mantra will serve me well going forward. Thanks for this, Steve.

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Maggie, I'm so sorry about your situation. I'm glad that the writing was able to give whatever little relief shared experience can provide. It's interesting how anxiety is cyclical. Mine comes and goes too. It may be here now, but it will, in one way or another, go away again. Things arrive and depart. For some reason beyond my limited intellect to explain it, that's the way it seems to work. Indeed "it's gonna be fine."

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Good one. My sweat lodges were working on low-budget features in environmentally-hostile locations like Saugus in August and late summer in the tobacco fields of North Carolina. There was another in the snows of Vermont where some of our day exterior scenes were shot in 8 degree temps. Being a coastal California boy, I'd never had to deal with all the water bottles in the lighting truck being frozen for an entire shoot.

But as the saying goes, it builds character -- and yes, after those experiences I didn't fear much of anything on set. The days (or nights) would be long and painful, but such is the nature of the gig, and having made one's bed in the reality of Hollywood, there one must sleep. No matter how long and miserable the day (or night), the First AD would eventually call "That's a wrap!" and after loading the trucks I'd get to go home.

Everything was fine.

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Yes, night shoots. I've done enough of them to know how physically painful they are. Indeed, plenty of suffering.

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